Monday, June 3, 2013

Your own agenda and other jokes

Being a mom means that you often have to change your plans quickly. Shopping and running other errands may have to be rescheduled due to problems including, but certainly not limited to, a sudden melt down or illness of one of the kids, unexpected company, a malfunctioning appliance, car problem, mess made by the pet…… 

The list goes on and on, but mom can usually take it all in slightly flustered stride and still manage to get the important details dealt with.

Once the child starts school, though, the kid might start wanting to make plans of his own and expect you to come up with a workable way to manage. Face it. You baby is growing up and is now aware that there are exciting things happening that aren't confined to his own back yard. He has met interesting people that he wants to spend time with.

Mom, get ready for play dates, parties, and outings that your newly social youngster wants to attend to have a fulfilling social life.

Sorry, mom. Junior isn't going to outgrow this. Right now you may have a house full of kids to entertain, or spending your time taking your child to his friends’ home for that mother to cope with. In the future you’ll be juggling car pools for every sports event, music and dance recital, or school function he and his peer group are involved in.

You’re going to need a big calendar.
And lots of passenger and cargo space.

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