Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Organize all those Art Masterpieces

As the school year winds down the teachers will be returning the projects they've made in class throughout the year. You know that art projects will soon be making their way from the classroom to the home. Although some of these beautiful examples of artistic talent will immediately gain prominent display on the refrigerator or family communications cork board, there are just too many pieces of creativity to be displayed.

Packing them away in boxes just invites damage, a thought the proud parent of an artist can't bear to contemplate.


Save the cardboard tubes from paper towel, aluminum foil and plastic wraps used in the kitchen. Roll up the childhood memory and tuck it in the tube. Label the tube with the child’s name, date and the subject matter and the treasured can be stored without worry of accidental damage. Decorating the tubes can be a fun rainy day activity for the kids.

Sooner or later the accumulation of drawings makes it necessary to be a bit more discriminatory when determining what to choose to save and take up valuable household storage. Even the artwork that is not chosen to be vaulted away forever can be given new life.


Consider giving the drawings another use as wrapping paper for small gifts.Not only will the kids get a lesson in recycling,  grandmothers and other close relatives may find just as much enjoyment from the artful wrapping as they do of the gift inside.

And, speaking of school art projects, many art programs are always in need of material remnants, buttons, scraps of wrapping paper and ribbon for art projects. Before tossing the scraps that have accumulated in your work basket, speak to the kindergarten teacher to see if there is a use for them at the local school. If not, contact activity directors at nursing centers and senior groups.

Like everything else, even school art projects fit into the category of use it up, then find another use for it.

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