Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dealing with Negative People

Don’t you just love it when people come into your home and immediately start giving you helpful hints on how things could be made easier for you as you’re struggling with keeping the kids entertained and out of the way while trying to make your guests comfortable?

Sometimes it a family member who just seems to look for something to comment on at every opportunity. We all know people who don’t seem to notice the things that they like, only the things that could be improved on.
It would be nice if we could just walk away or refuse them entry into our homes. But sometimes we just have to make the best of the situation because these people are an important part of our lives and we do cherish them, even with that little flaw in their personality.

Don’t let these little comments stress you out. There is always the chance that the comment was not meant as a judgment.  If you allow yourself to become defensive you’ll just enable the conversation to continue and it may escalate into a big verbal disagreement with hard feelings on both sides. Instead, try to steer the conversation away with the following tricks.

Ask them to help you with something. Send them on a search for a misplaced item that one of the kids is clamoring for or ask if they would start a pot of coffee.

Smile at them and ask if they’d like refreshment.

Find another task that needs your immediate attention and remove yourself from the conversation. Maybe the baby needs to be changed or food has to be retrieved from the freezer.

If, instead of commenting, the person asks you a question that you don’t want to answer, remember that all questions don’t have to be addressed. Stay in control. Be bold and ask them why they are asking you that.

If the person seems like they really are making a judgment about the way you do things, minimize the fuss and let them know that your way seems to be working right now, but if you have problems in the future you’ll remember to bring them up. You can also compliment the person by letting them know that you recognize the thought that they have given the situation.

Remember that it’s your home and your family. Your instincts as a mom usually serve you best. If you are really doing something wrong, your gut will let you know as soon as someone brings it to your attention, and you’ll take the time to listen. But in the meantime, don’t let negatives from others interfere in your home and family.

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