Thursday, May 12, 2011

Where Does your Gas Money Come From?

Every time you put gas in your vehicle, it seems to be costing you a lot more money. Gas prices are going up so fast that some of us have gotten the brainset that it’s just another costly nuisance and there is nothing we can do about it except keep digging into our wallet and paying for it.

Let’s face it. We have kids and we have lives. We can’t just exist within walking distance. We need to shop, get the kids to school, maybe even get to work. Then, there are the extra curricular activities, community responsibilities, social contacts to keep up with.

Moms spend a lot of time behind the wheel and that seems to be costing us more money every day.Where is the money coming from? Families with kids most often aren’t blessed with a lot of disposable income. There is always a purchase to be made. The kids always feel that they need something. We always feel that our kids need something. Then, there are our own needs.

Do you dig into the food budget to cover that rising gas expense? Are you canceling your entertainment night? Have you quit renting movies?  Is your emergency fund being drained? The extra money for gas has to be coming from somewhere.

A little trick that might help you reduce the amount of money you expend every week might let you give your budget a break. Maybe the miles you put on your car aren’t really smart miles. Figure out how to determine what can be changed in your driving habits that will save you money by reading Does the Cost of Gas Make you Green?

Sometimes we need to use every trick in the book just to help us manage.

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